


Best Of Both Worlds

Veritas’ Supper Series, hosts a celebration of diversity, creativity, and the artistry that both Virginia wine and hip-hop bring to the table with a touch Southern Hospitality!


Zucot Gallery: The Gift

Hip-Hop a present to the world…



Hip-Hop 50

50 songs that have an immeasurable impact on Hip-Hop culture. These songs will live on infinitely!!! Cheers to 50 & beyond…


Black Like Me

Yesterday, today, forever…

Black His/Herstory 365!



Party & Bull$h!t

Won Year Anniversary of Taste The Playlist! The pizza & wine kickback of the year…


Fall in Love with Wine

Come celebrate the beginning of Fall with the ultimate wine and food tasting experience!


Burgundy & Bass

Nothing like a party with hella bottles of Burgundy, Bass Music and BBQ!


TTP x DAP take over Baltimore in an unmatched wine and music experience! Original music, hip-hop and R&B paired with food and wine!


Atlanta Rosé Bottle Share!

Atl wine family kicking back on a Sunday afternoon. How does rosé make you feel? This playlist has the answer!

The South Got Something To Say!

Celebration of the moment that changed the appreciation for Southern Hip-Hop.


Happy Women’s History Month! One playlist wasn’t enough…

You know why the B-Side was created. Are you ready?


Happy Women’s History Month!

Here’s to continuing and creating legacies!!!



In celebration of our Lives. Black History 365!!!


Extended Event Playlist rocking from the 80s-current.